Saturday, August 4, 2012

Preschool Apocalypse

This really has nothing to do with teaching, but I couldn't help feel so proud with the little munchkins when they started drawing Zombies with the chalk outside on the playground. It is days like this that I KNOW I chose the right path in life, I seriously LOVE them!


  1. Hey Eva, I love the blog. I didn't know you started this. When I was close to that age, Kindergarten we had these over-sized cardboard brick blocks (painted red like bricks) and I would stack them high and build myself a house. It was great fun.

  2. Hey Dad, figured Mom would have told you about it since she always gets mad when you forget to tell her things people tell you on the phone :p Hahaha ohh yes I remember those blockss, the school I used to work at had those :)I We have some big giant plastic legos outside the kids build stuff like that with :)
